Im not gonna lie hip hop in general these days bores the fusk out of me. But just as im about to write it off along comes something that makes me remember why i loved this ish. The reason i used to stay up late at night taping radio shows. The reason that after payday i'd run to the record stores and be broke until next payday. The reason why i used to sleep, eat and shit this music. Royce sounds hungry as ever and Primo slays that Axelrod beat. Buy Street Hop when it drops
Well its coming up to the seventh anniversary of the death of Jam Master Jay and those nice boys from Koolism have done a tribute to one of the most influential DJs in the world and a true pioneer of this thing we call rap music.
I haven't been buying much music lately. Instead i've just been digging through my collection and enjoying some of the records that i have. One that i pulled out the other day which deserves far more play than it gets is Moving Along by Renee Geyer. It came out in 1977 and Be There In The Morning is probably my favourite cut off it although there are many golden moments. Its not a hard record to find so pick it up next time you see it. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Alright people Scottie B is playing Heat this saturday night @ The Cross which is just left of that horrible eyesore The Bourbon. Anyone with a slight interest in club music will know that this is not to be missed.
Seriously people never ever use this fucked up piece of shit company to ship anything. These guys have no idea what the fuck they are doing at all. Avoid them at all costs.