Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ever Think About How You Outta Here

In the words of the immortal KRS Im outta here.
Im off to spend March in the land of the rising sun and the good old US of A.
So the likely hood of me doing any blogging is probably zero. Actually less than zero if thats possible.
But never fear i'll be back in April hopefully with a ton of new music and mixes to post.
Im going to leave with a clip of a song off the new Jake One and Freeway album The Stimulus Package. This shit is ridiculous you need to cop this with the quickness. Check the cd packaging too. Ryhmesayers and Brent Rollins killed it.
Jake One is one of the few producers today that you can pretty much pick up anything he's done and know its quality. Freeway ain't bad either.
See you fools in April.

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