Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Back In The Day

I was reminiscing the other day about bands we used to see back in the day and i found a bunch of clips on youtube.
The Hard Ons were the first band i ever saw live. I think i was 14 and it was on at the local PCYC. It would have been 94 or maybe earlier im not sure. I don't remember much about the show aside from the drummer vomiting on stage. Im pretty sure The Dream Killers supported and The Cosmic Psychos could have been there too.

Lawnsmell was the best band i'd ever seen play. They had two bass players and were heavy as fusk why managing to maintain a pop sensibility without being corny. I had the biggest crush on the bass player (Gina?) for years. Its funny i was at this show that the video is showing. Some great gigs at the Manning Bar in the late 90s.

One Inch Punch changed there name to Mid Youth Crisis for some reason that escapes me. Another great band that i was very happy to be able to catch live a few times. They had a seriously heavy live show. Their debut album was on constant rotation for years.

Gilgamesh was a punk/ska band from the late 90's. The video is from them doing a reunion show with a bunch of other bands like Blitz Babiez. I have fond memories of seeing them play at gigs at the Phoenician Club before Bob Carr and Anna Wood fucked it all up.

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