Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Delta Fold 'Em

Damn seems March is the month for Hip hop. Hot on the heels of a new single from Raph we also get a little taste of what Delta has been working on. Both these guys are in my top five list of emcees in the country and with the release of Low budgets sophomore release Laser Disc, 09 is shaping up to be a hell of a year.
Make 'Em fold is the bside to his new single entitled The Lines. Mark B produced the track which is a return to form for the duo. Delta spitting hard off raw drums, with dirty funk guitar and organ riffs filling in the gaps.
Aside from being one of the best emcees Delta is also one of the nicest guys you could meet. So make sure you cop this single. Watch for it in stores March 21st. Props to Shogun and NuffSaid Records.

Delta Fold' Em Mp3

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